Boxes of Elephants

My apartment is now home to a herd of elephants. They arrived from New Zealand a short time ago and they will be staying with me at least until this weekend’s A.P.E small-press comics show in San Francisco. (To see all the elephant illustrations that I’ve posted in this blog so far, go here).

It is such a relief to finally have these books in my hands. I often have bad-luck shipping stories, but this time there were an unusual number of SNAFUs, even for me. Thankfully, that is all behind me now, and the good news is that the book came out very well indeed. The publisher and designer did a very nice job on the printing and binding. It isn’t exactly like anything I’ve seen before. The end-papers are glued to the cover as in a hardbound book but the cover itself is a lighter stock than a regular hardback, so it feels like something in-between. I like the size very much. Even though I had nothing to do with choosing the dimensions myself, it is smallish, roughly the size and shape of my self-published books.

As you can see in the above photograph (all kindly taken by Rhode) the publisher has also outdone himself in the display department, making some neato little customised book-stands that feature a sculpted representation of the elephant on the cover.

I will be selling my copies here in San Francisco at roughly the same time as the official BOOK LAUNCH, which is happening in my Home Town in Australia. My Dad will be launching this book, along with another that he wrote in the time I took to illustrate this one. I am sorry not to be able to attend the book launch myself in person but I have to be here to sell MY copies. This collaboration with my Dad has brought a lot of joy to the both of us and I do believe that some of the fun in making it has been captured on the pages, so I hope that some of you may get a kick out of this book too. After raising these pachyderms, now I am hoping to find some good homes to send them to. If any of you are interested, then see me at APE this weekend, at COMIC-CON in July, or E-MAIL ME.

The book is on sale now in Australia and New Zealand but many of the stores that were offering it online down there have already sold out. Because of the demands made on the stock, I was only able to get about half the number of books that I had intended to order, so I am not sure how long these will last.

BUY NOW to avoid disappointment!! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Boxes of Elephants”

  1. Congratz to you Jamie! I know you must be excited to finally have this project done, and some books in hand.

    I’ll be picking up my family’s copy this weekend, to be sure.

  2. Yay! I totally want one, but can’t make it to either APE of Comic-Con this year. Can we work something out through PayPal or me sending you a check or something? I’ll gladly pay for shipping too.

  3. Mukpuddy>> Hey there, good to hear from you! You are at ground zero for getting my book; the publisher is based in NZ, and it maybe the only place where it is still available in stores. From what I can tell the Australian stock is already sold out.

    The book retails for NZ $24, the ISBN / ISSN number is:0908988788 and here are some places online to order it from NZ bookstores:

    MacMillan books
    Madras Books
    Piccadilly books.

    If all else fails, please contact the publisher; EXISLE PUBLISHING and let them know that they need to print more!


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