(May you) Climb From Peak to Peak

Journal entry by Julia Lundman

Dear Friends, Dear Family,
I want to tell you why I so strongly believe in Jamie’s recovery. A few years ago, my beautiful young cousin, Ashley, was in a terrible car accident that nearly claimed her life. She suffered a C-4 spinal cord injury, along with her ankles being shattered. Ashley was told she had a 3% chance of ever walking again, that she would be in a motorized chair for the rest of her life, that she would need a ventilator to breathe and would probably never talk again.  Here are some videos documenting Ashley’s continued recovery. 
Ashley walking with a regular walker at the Project Walk event 
Ashley walking unassisted on a treadmill:
Ashley’s Therapeutic horseback riding video, riding unassisted:
Ashley proved them wrong. Her recovery is long and slow and yet she has made continuous progress. Ashley proves to all of us every single day that the human body has a tremendous ability to heal itself and that the power of the mind is far beyond our understanding. It is also important to understand that, yes, no man is ever an island unto him or herself when it comes to recovery (or life). Ashley would not have been able to achieve all that she has, had she not had the support of family and friends surrounding her BELIEVING that she is capable of recovery.
A few friends have mentioned Jill Bolte Taylor’s recovery from her stroke experience, which she speaks about so movingly in her TED talk and in her book, “A Stroke of Insight”. In her book, she outlines the extreme importance of a positive mindset and HOPE. 
This word, H  O   P   E    is not a word that one utters when all is lost. This word, HOPE, is a REAL INTENTION that indicates to us the mountaintop that we KNOW in our hearts we can climb. I am so happy to report that not only is Jamie improving and building strength in his core and continuing to make steps, but now, over the weekend, after having tried “mirror therapy” with his hands, he was able to purposely move the paralyzed fingers of his right hand, as witnessed by Jamie, Jo and I.
And to confirm the event, Jamie was able to move them again, today, Monday January 14th. Not only was Jamie able to make these fingers twitch, but he was also able, for the first time, to feel them. This makes a tremendous difference given that up until now, even though he was able to take some steps he could not detect them. Today he felt the steps and he felt the fingers. This is progress, big, massive, huge, joyful, happy-jump-in-the-air progress.
I am asking each and every one of us as you read this to please send out your good positive vibes for our Jamie. Let’s not back down the mountain, but back Jamie UP in this unexpected journey we are on! Lets get up that mountain. It’s almost winter and we have some steps to go before we reach basecamp.
“Strangers on this road we are on, 
we are not two, we are one”

36 thoughts on “(May you) Climb From Peak to Peak”

  1. Wow you made me cry again with that journal entry. What an inspiration Ashley is. I love that she walked the red carpet sooooo much more impressive than getting an Oscar in my books. If Ashley can do it Jimmy so can you buddy. It sounds as though your making progress, each and every tiny step is monumental and it sounds as though you have your own cheer squad cheering you on. Your right Jules we do need people to cheer us on without it there is no hope and it seems as though Jimmy has an awful lot of people, praying and sending positive thoughts. There’s not a day goes by where I don’t think about you even if I’m not on here writing you are definitely in my thoughts. The kids all send their love, Eddy was pretty upset when we told him what had happened but we promised him that if anyone can get back on their feet it is YOU. So don’t get lazy buddy you have a promise to keep. Thanks Jules for keeping us updated on jimmy’s progress it means a lot to be able to come on here, I cry sometimes but mostly I smile. Love Joy XXX PS that Kirk friend of yours is FUNNY!
    — Deane Taylor, January 15, 2013

  2. I thought I should add a joke, enough of this serious shite.
    HEAVEN is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and it is all organised by the Swiss.
    HELL is where the police are German, the cooks are British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss and it is all organised by the Italians.
    XXX Joy
    PS I’ve known you for 32 years and I never knew you liked Bowie, go figure.
    — Deane Taylor, January 15, 2013

  3. Hey Jamie and Julia,
    Great to read about the progress you are making, keep up the good work!
    — David Fulp, January 15, 2013

  4. Great news! Thanks so much for the update – Jamie, as they might say to you in England if you were a racehorse, “Go on my son!”
    — Jonathan Rosenthal, January 15, 2013

  5. What great news. I hope this image upload works. file:///Users/ambermaclean/Desktop/0430-5.jpegTrans means: to march forward courageously; never give up. Go, Jamie!
    love,Amber & Kerry
    — Amber MacLean, January 15, 2013

  6. The Dragon will always power through and will soon take flight again soon! I knew this mishap will not keep the Jamester down! Go, Jamie!!!
    — Steward Lee, January 15, 2013

  7. i’m so delighted to hear this latest progress–! movement and TOUCH. awesome…and oh, what a powerful force HOPE is.

    …and speaking of FORCE, i wanted you to know Jamie, that your JEDI ASPECT has been channeled recently. over the last few nights, Nina and I watched the original, unaltered editions of the STAR WARS films. it was quite a magical experience to watch these films with Nina, who had NEVER seen NEW HOPE, and hadn’t seen EMPIRE or JEDI since childhood… from the first moment that Obi Wan appeared, Nina remarked: ” He looks like Jamie…He looks like Jamie…” i kept saying: ” i know, i know..it’s sort of uncanny, but Jamie has always had a Jedi aspect.”

    may the strength and luminosity of your spirit continue to channel the Force as you heal, Jamie…you are in our thoughts daily.

    Derek and Nina
    — Derek Thompson, January 15, 2013

  8. I got up this morning feeling a little gloomy, maybe it was a dream that I don’t remember that put me in this state – not sure. But as I read this journal update I felt my spirits being gradually lifted. Now, thinking back to how i felt just minutes ago, I wonder, “what the hell was that all about?” – because, man this positive news has cleared the fog to a gloriously sunny day!

    Here’s to more and more glorious days ahead for Jamie!
    — Tom Rubalcava, January 15, 2013

  9. Keep at it Jamie. We have full faith that you’ll make a complete recovery. It’s one day at a time. Sending lots of love and positive vibes.
    Richard, Karen, Hadrian & Cyrus
    — Richard Quan, January 15, 2013

  10. Thanks for the heartfelt update Julie,
    In this case, every little step is a tremendous leap. We’re proud of ya Jamie. Keep fighting the good fight! hugs,
    Alan and Corrine
    — Alan Lau, January 15, 2013

  11. Gemma & i have been thinking of you & so glad to hear that your making progress.You may not have asked for this fight but now your in it, give it everything you’ve got. The strength to fight comes from within. You will find that strenght (you never knew you had) with the support of Julia, friends, family, & even old school mates. Treat this as a set back & take every tiny step forward as a major victory.
    Thinking of you.
    — Mark Creagan, January 15, 2013

  12. James,
    Fantastic to hear of the mirror therapy and finger twitches and standing and step-taking. You’re a champ! If you’re like me (which I know you’re not), patience and endurance run thin, but this is what you need as the rebuilding continues. The body is in fact just astounding. As I would help test Chris on her nursing school studies, I myself discovered amazing things! Folks in the medical industry know it; they themselves do nothing to CAUSE healing; they just know how to poke and prod the body in such a way as to make it do what it does best – heal and strengthen itself! Surgeons merely cut the body in such a way that when it does heal itself, it is in a more advantageous arrangement.

    So in the mean time, while my own positive thoughts couldn’t help a termite (as you well know me, a confirmed curmudgeon), I’m speaking to the Designer of that body of yours, whose thoughts and acts are mighty and powerful. One never knows what His answer will be, but in the end it is always perfect and in any case infinitely more effective than my positive thoughts! Nonetheless I look forward to a time when I can come and manifest
    some positive thoughts in the form of hugs and help. Be sure to let me know when that time comes.

    Your good friend,
    — Jon McClenahan, January 15, 2013

  13. Jamie-
    So glad to hear the latest news of moving your fingers. There was never any doubt that the force is strong in you! I know it’ll take some time, but some people that I know that have had strokes have taken ten times longer to even do what you just did. Keep going my friend! There is much left still to be drawn and written!

    I echo Derek’s previous comment about Obi Wan- you’ve always been my Obi Wan. You’ll deny it, but it’s true! It’s so awesome to see everyone on here rooting for you. I think it makes a huge difference, having everyone’s thoughts and prayers channeling towards your betterment. Keep pushing forward and “Eye of the Tiger!”

    Julia stay strong and say the word if you need anything. Thank you for the updates- they are a blessing and so are you!

    ps: my mom sends you her well wishes, too! Here’s also a message from Sylvia:

    Jamie, you’re in our daily thoughts. We send you all our love and positivity and hope that this provides strength for you. We are rooting for you every step of the way. Your strong spirit will get you through anything.
    — Rhode Montijo, January 15, 2013

  14. G,day bruce! Just had a rendezvous with your sheila- tells me you’ve been wiggling your fingers and all sorts! Keep going mate – your entire posse of geek friends are sending you Jedi healing waves! Just make sure those doctors get you walking proper – it’ll b hell keeping up with you if you walk sideways crab-like or round in circles! Think FORWARD!

    Dispatched from the Bog End
    — Matt Jones, January 15, 2013

  15. Keep it going Jamie, really encouraging news. Saw Brad last night and he’s pulling for you too! You are in our thoughts and all us Gozzies send you muchco love.
    Delia, Amy, Bella and the mighty Angus
    — amy gosman, January 16, 2013

  16. Ahoy Jamie and Julia-
    Just wanted to drop a quick note that I shared what has happened to the leadership at my church and they are all praying for both of you too. I’ve had a couple of “life-stopping” events that happened to my family recently and it brings you to your knees in an instant. You realize what is truly important, what stands when everything else falls away.

    Don’t be afraid to reach out when you’re ready. You can’t get rid of us so might as well use us! I have no doubt there will be many hands to hold you up.

    Press on, my friends! -roque.
    — Roque Ballesteros, January 16, 2013

  17. Always thinking of you Jamie. Praying for a speedy recovery and speeding you go! Thanks so much Julia for your updates. You are an Angel.
    — Charlene Kelley, January 16, 2013

  18. Jamie,
    I just heard the news today– was shocked and saddened to learn what had happened, but was so encouraged by Julia’s update about the progress you’ve made already. May love and hope surround you (as it sounds like it already is) so that your strength continues to grow.

    My thoughts are with you and Julia. Wishing you a speedy recovery. And please let me know if there is anything I can do.
    -Ted P
    — Ted Pratt, January 17, 2013

  19. Jamie,
    Let me know when you’re up for doing The Great Wall. But better make it quick, we’re running out of air out here…
    Luv ya, Man.
    — wes takahashi, January 17, 2013

  20. James & Julia,
    now that it seems you are slowly but ever so surely making your way through & out of the woods, I’ve been thinking what gift this whole thing is revealing itself to be. Though a dramatic way to go about it, your brain gets to re-wire itself, creating new pathways & connections while you are being constantly & lovingly bathed in a outpouring of incredible love, belief, positivity & support from friends & family all around the globe. It’s incredibly beautiful deeply moving. You must have needed it, my friend. The gift seems to me also a two-way gift, because we are all so blessed to have this opportunity to be able to openly share with you our love & positive thoughts.

    Like the Wizard said to the Tinman, “… & remember my sentimental friend, a heart is judged not by how much YOU love, but by how much you are loved…by others.” Thanks, James.
    …now keep wiggling & standing & getting to know your body all over again. You’re doing so well!!!

    ..& Julia, rest… (thank you for the updates by the way)
    Lots of love & big hugs, Janine xoxooo
    — Janine Dawson, January 17, 2013

  21. Jamie-
    Sorry to hear about life’s latest sucker punch. I believe in you, though. You can get through this.

    Also, I am very sorry that Ted, Jules and I made you eat at the Outback Steak House that one time during comic con. I was really hungry and it was super close by. Mostly it was Ted’s fault though. (Which reminds me… Julie– sorry about Denny’s. Again, mostly Ted)
    I would very much like it if, when you are up and around again, you would force me to eat at a restaurant that I really didn’t want to. I look forward to not looking forward to it!
    All our love and prayers and chakras (whatever those are), Bob + Marie
    — Bob King, January 17, 2013

  22. Morning Jamie and Julia,
    Have you heard they discovered traces of horse meat in a ton of British supermarket value burgers? And of course there are jokes about this. Here are the best ones we’ve found so far.

    A Tesco burger walks into a bar. “Pint please”. “I can’t hear you” says the barman. “Sorry” replies the burger. “I’m a little bit horse”.

    Tesco Everyday Value. 8 Beef Burgers. Low in fat. High in Shergar

    And Johnnie’s favorite –
    Just found some out of date burgers. “And they’re off!

    Love you tons. We think about you both all the time and are sending lots and lots and lots of love and positive energy your way. Kapow!
    xxxxx John and Carol
    — Carol Hughes, January 17, 2013

  23. Thanks for your updates Julia, you and Jamie are inspiring me! But then you always have, so what else is new? I’m sending my m8s Jamie & Julia penetratingly SPLENDID vibes every time I think of you every day plus a more concentrated and comprehensive prayer at bedtime – listen for them, I’ll try to turn them up too!
    I think of all the love and focus of Jamie’s and your friends and family combined as the Totoro in the giant tree in Jamie’s room – and Jamie’s corner – too.
    He’s rehearsing for the comeback tour baby! yer pal,
    — Scott Tolmie, January 17, 2013

  24. Hi Jamie!
    Thinking of you every day!
    It’s great to hear about your good work – keep going bud!I’ve gained many pounds over the holidays. Lauren threw her back out after skiing a record number of days in Idaho. It took calling 911 to get her out of the house and to the hospital – narcotics, and some shots in the spine later, she is sort of mobile. Consequently, I have not exercised really for weeks as I’ve been running the house, and become sort of a short order cook.
    Here’s a virtual sock in the shoulder, and a big bear hug – like everyone here, can’t wait to see you. Let us know if we can help in any way.
    — Kevin Richardson, January 17, 2013

  25. How did you get to have this many friends. WOW some people can go a whole lifetime and count their friends on one hand and here you have a whole football stadium. Like the song says “You must have done something gooood”. Hang in there guys. Love you Jimmy and even though I don’t know you Julia I love you too now. XXX Joy
    — Deane Taylor, January 18, 2013

  26. Hi Jamie, Your starting to get some feeling back! Thats great news. Keep going. I got a dog story, I know you like dog stories. A friend made us some cinnamon rolls last week. They were lovely, but we couldn’t eat them all. Anyway, we made the mistake of leaving the remaining rolls on a tray on top of the cooker. We had to go out for the evening and not realised quite how fond Rufus our wire fox terrier was for cinnamon rolls. When we came home i could hear an alarm going off inside. Our fire alarm!! I rushed inside to find the house filled with thick smoke. Rufus had been helping himself to the rolls and his paw must have turned the gas on the cooker, which has a self lighter. I’m not sure how long it had been burning, but long enough to burn the tray and char the rolls that where left on it and fill the entire house with smoke. Thankfully we had got back before anything else caught light. We found Rufus cowering up stairs as far away from the scene of the crime as he could get, but his sticky paws and chops gave him away. Needless to say the house reeked of smoke for days, but we are very pleased it didn’t burn down… Pretty sure we wouldn’t get our deposit back if it had.
    Love from Phil, Pearlene, Luca and Rufus. Xx
    — Philip Dale, January 18, 2013

  27. Hey Jamie!
    Thinking of you today, and everyday. I hope the workouts are going well, no doubt you’re working hard at it one way or another.
    Been missing our nights out in North Beach. Take your time, but I look forward to the next one– whenever you’re up for it. Well… you’re probably up for it right now, let’s just say, whenever your many wonderful wranglers will allow it. Meantime, here’s to your health!!
    — John Hays, January 18, 2013

  28. susan and I are so glad you’re moving your hand, even if its a little bit! keep on fighting, wild weasel.
    we’re all rooting for you. and we have to take that trip to Montana as soon as you’re able. and of course you and Julia are always welcome here in nyc
    when you’re up for it. I really miss you man and you’re absolutely amazing Julia.
    — david gordon, January 18, 2013

  29. Hi guys, Just thinking of you both and waiting for the next report to hear about more slow-and-steady-wins-the- race progress–one step at a time, no racing required. Hang in there!!!
    — Susan Lundman, January 18, 2013

  30. Jamie – another entry from the Viz “Profanisaurus” that I hope you enjoy.
    Aslan is on the move 1. exclam. A popular line from one of them Narnia books, in which the presence of a big lion is announced. 2. exclam. Something to say the after a big curry, when your stomach emits a huge roar and you have to run to the crapper before you entire digestive system ends up in your underpants like a big steaming pile of wildebeest entrails.
    — Jonathan Rosenthal, January 19, 2013

  31. Shamus, another dispatch from the Bog End. . . Pleased to hear you got some amusement from the Pixar Story Chapter sketchbook-only you and Ronald Searle get one of those! I think it demonstrates how much everyone there loves you, misses you and values you as a friend and colleague. You are a Storyman of the highest calibre from whom I’ve learnt much in the 2+ years I’ve had the pleasure of your acquaintance. Here follows a concise list of Obi Wan Baker lessons:
    -The power of the 3pm ice-cream cookie pick-me-up, essential for cultivating those out of the box story ideas. -Avoiding coffee at said 3pm break in the pursuit of a) getting to sleep that night before midnight and b) increased Trumer Pils bladder capacity that same night
    -The last BART car is a commuter ‘oasis’ offering a choice of seating, window view, and the choice of scent of either #1s or #2s
    -Never caricature girls
    -at Trade Conventions bring a spare table-cloth
    -ALWAYS book ahead at restaurants
    -Don’t underestimate the culinary offerings of inner-city America- a ‘hole in the wall’ Fried Chicken establishment is merely an unfullfilled gastronomic experience awaiting the filling of ones’ eager belly. You just gotta bring those 2 elements together.
    -The key to living in San Francisco for over 20 years is NEVER look the nutjobs in the eye.
    -Get into work first and leave last. Smile & nod inbetween.
    -Don’t get Ralph Eggleston angry.
    With that sage wisdom I have just about managed to negotiate life in the Bay Area and hang onto my sanity. Couldn’t have done it without you sport.Great to hear your enhanced creative brin status is re-establishing neural connections more rapidly than the ‘average’ stroke patient. Coupled with your Ozzie genes you’re virtually at X-Men level of fortitude and regeneration. If you keep going with the left handed training you may awaken Professor X-like powers of ambidextrous tap-dancing and telekinetic EmeryBus moving etc.
    Thinking of you daily and constantly,
    The man who sat in your room before Rej
    PS. Asalle in the Story Dept. was the biggest help wrangling all those artists to draw in your book in a WEEK! No mean feat. Derek & Wave orchestrated the photo session. Ronnie has arranged a stripper for the Holiday Monday-enjoy!
    — Matt Jones, January 20, 2013

  32. Jamie!! So glad to hear from Julia about the amazing progress you’re making! Wow, cannot believe how quickly you’re able to do things that might normally take much longer – bodes well for complete recovery at the pace of a… (Rocket rabbit??) But even if it went at a snail’s pace, no matter – it’s going in the right direction. Good on ya! Best wishes from Don, myself, Aurora, and Wyatt (who doesn’t remember who you are but says he hopes you’re having fun in the hospital! 🙂
    — Stephanie Hornish, January 18, 2013


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