Sketch Day

Yesterday was spent SKETCHING in the company of that incomparable urban sketcher MATT JONES, and his pals MARK STANLEIGH and JASON SPENCER-GALSWORTHY. After a very pleasant early morning walk across town, I met them all at the JAPANESE TEA GARDEN in Golden Gate Park.

In my recent location sketching, I’ve attempted to record all the detail as accurately as I can, with mixed success. For a change, this time I tried to distill what I saw into some sort of a gesture. Hence the scribbly approach, where tried to imply detail with scribbles of a ballpoint pen, without actually drawing it all. Not sure if it works yet..

After an few hours in the Tea Garden we had lunch and then some of us walked on to the Haight Ashbury area for a beer and some more sketching.

It was tempting to go back over these with some scibbly colour when I got home, which is probably what they need, but I’ll save that until NEXT time I try this approach.

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